
Freelance illustrator

Los Angels(America)

I'm very happy that I managed to bring a few pens home.

Q.Which Stylo series pen do you use?
Stylo sketch pen
Q.How did you find the Stylo/Tradio pen?
I was traveling abroad in Japan and shopping in the art supply store known as Sekaido when I came across both the Stylo and Tradio pens.
Q.How long have you been using the Stylo/Tradio pen?
I have only been using it for 3 months, but it is by far one of my favorite pens to use!

Q.When do you like to use the Stylo/Tradio pen?
I use them primarily to draw pen and ink illustrations.
Q.When have you enjoyed using your Stylo/Tradio pen?
I absolutely love adding depth and variety to the thickness of my lines when I draw. For a long time I used brush pens to achieve this style, but after a while I realized that sometimes brush pens would create lines that are too thick to my liking, and it was difficult to draw small details. The Stylo pen allows me to make precise delicate details while also allowing me to freely experiment with the variety and thickness of my lines.
Q.What would you like to say to the Stylo/Tradio to celebrate their 40th anniversary this year?
I've only just recently discovered the Stylo/Tradio series and I'm shocked to find out that the Stylo is 40 years old! I can't believe I didn't know about this pen earlier! I'm so very thankful to have discovered such an amazing pen to draw with, and I'm very happy that I managed to bring a few pens home. Congratulations on 40 successful years!
