Nina Kleingeld

Graphic Designer

Leiden(The Netherland)

I like to use it most in my 'daily life'.

Q.Which Stylo series pen do you use?
Tradio stylo sketch pen
Q.How did you find the Stylo/Tradio pen?
I work in an art supplies store. Once I took my sketchbook and tried ALL the pens.I liked the Stylo so much I bought it right after my shift.
Q.When do you like to use the Stylo/Tradio pen?
Drawing linework, or writing lists.

Q.Is there anyone who uses this pen around you?
I taught graphic design to high school kids on saturday. These kids didn't have the best supplies so I gave kids who were drawing black ink drawings a Stylo Pen.
Q.When have you enjoyed using your Stylo/Tradio pen?
I like it most in 'daily life' as a graphic designer. It’s easy to switch from drawing and sketching to writing notes.
Q.What would you like to say to the Stylo/Tradio to celebrate their 40th anniversary this year?
Cheers to many more years of my personal favorite pen. Congratulations!

Nina Kleingeld