Seonyeong Shin



I like that I can write gently but beautifully most of all.

Q.Which Stylo series pen do you use?
Stylo sketch pen
Q.How did you find the Stylo/Tradio pen?
I first had it as after my friend went on a trip to Japan and gave it to me.
Q.When do you like to use the Stylo/Tradio pen?
It is usually used to write the same kind of calligraphy.

Q.Do you have any specific ways that you use the Stylo/Tradio pen?
The pressure is a little stronger, but I use it with a weaker force than when I use a different pen to make sure the pen tip is not broken.
Q.When have you enjoyed using your Stylo/Tradio pen?
Most of all, I like the fact that I write gently but beautifully. The nib is not too slippery, but the feeling of touching the paper is smooth.
Q.What would you like to say to the Stylo/Tradio to celebrate their 40th anniversary this year?
I was quite surprised by the pen that came out 40 years ago. It is a story that it has been steadily loved so much, but it is a little bit sorry to have come to know late. I will use it often in the future. Please make it long.

Seonyeong Shin