Simonluca Spadanuda
Graphic Designer / Illustrator
I give some of these pens away as gifts for artist friends.
- Q.Which Stylo series pen do you use?
- Tradio stylo sketch pen
- Q.How did you find the Stylo/Tradio pen?
- I've found it digging in a store in Milan, Italy. I was fascinated by the triangular point and decided to try it.
- Q.How long have you been using the Stylo/Tradio pen?
- Discovered it in 2009 so it's basically 10 years or even more that I'm an happy Tradio user.
- Q.When do you like to use the Stylo/Tradio pen?
- I like the dynamics of this unique pen point. I especially use it when I draw, for details... We can say Tradio's, in some way, a relative to the nib pen!

- Q.Is there anyone who uses this pen around you?
- I see online a lot of artist.
- Q.When have you enjoyed using your Stylo/Tradio pen?
- I especially like the fact that it's a pen so really comfortable and at the same time allows me to press the point and achieve dynamics in lines when drawing expression or fabric folds, I suggest it to all the cartoonists.
- Q.What would you like to say to the Stylo/Tradio to celebrate their 40th anniversary this year?
- Thank you Pentel for making such great products for artists and writing lovers around the globe. We appreciate your efforts to help us make something beautiful.